
Posts Tagged ‘5 finger prayer’

songs for prayer + formal prayers

September 18, 2009 Leave a comment

These links are scattered on by blog, but wanted them easy to access.  I added the following to the bottom of my PRAYER page.  I hope they help you pray!



CCD + BAPTiSM + 5 finger prayer

October 6, 2008 2 comments

Tonight’s CCD class (religious education) was on “Prayer.”  We used a PowerPoint slide show I made a couple years ago to profile the different types of prayer.  I used an acronym I made up using BAPTiSM:

B A P T i S M =

B = Blessing (to invoke God’s power for a person, place or activity)
A = Adoration (the “created” before the Creator)
P = Praise (glorify God)
T = Thanksgiving (gratitude)
i = Intercession (I ask God for OTHERS) + Petition (I ask God for ME)
S = “Sorry” (ask for forgiveness)
M = Meditation (tuning into God)


When discussing Intercession, I suggested using the “5 Finger Prayer” that I personally like using:


Thumb – Pray for those nearest you such as your family, parents, siblings, spouse, children, friends and co-workers.

Pointing Finger – Pray for those who instruct, heal and minister such as teachers, health care professionals, pastors and church workers.

Middle/Highest Finger – Pray for leaders in business, police and fire departments, military personnel, and local, state and federal government including the judiciary.

Fourth/Weakest Finger – Pray for those sick and in need, locally, nationally and internationally including the persecuted church and those who have suffered natural and man-made disasters.

Fifth/Smallest Finger – Pray for your needs.