
Posts Tagged ‘resources’

catechists … prepare for Advent

November 25, 2009 Leave a comment

I found a great blog called Catechist’s by an 8th grade catechist named Joe who “knows his stuff” and provides resources and discussion about catechesis.  He’s been in ministry for 30+ years and does online seminars called “webinars.”  Check it out … especially if you’re a catechist.

In the above video, I especially like the following (I’ll use it in class next week)

Jesus’ Three Comings:  In …

  1. History — when Jesus came Man (incarnation)
  2. Mystery –as Jesus comes to us today in many ways, especially in the Eucharist
  3. Majesty — as we look forward to His triumphant return at the end of time

Lots more on his site.  Check it out!